New Oscar Categories!
/The Oscars are the top honors for movies every year. Unfortunately, they don't cover all the aspects of movies or reward for being good for an entire year. I will slowly roll out the awards the 365's! I have serious and a little less serious section for the awards.
If I had a design skill this would be a reward. Alas, look at the pretty picture.
Serious Awards
Actor of the Year/Actress of the Year:
Actors/Actresses are only awarded for a single performance. This doesn't take into account their entire year. This is an MVP Award. Difficulty will obviously increase with more movies and good performance. But it must be weighed against one terrific performance.
Best Fight Choreography:
This is similar to special effects. The big difference is that this will also include the actors themselves. Something like Oldboy's hallway scene or The Raid: Redemption's entire movie wouldn't win for special effects. However, they are incredibly difficult scenes to choreograph.
Best Comedic Performance:
The Golden Globes already has Best Comedy/Musical. Comedy is a very difficult to thing to perfect on screen. You are in front of cameras and there is no live audience to give you cues on what is proper. When I pick the winner I will go deeper into why comedies should really get more nominations for best editing.
Fun/Non-serious awards.
Most Creative Premise:
This doesn't mean that the movie was executed correctly or that it was a bad movie. Just that the premise was different than other media that is being made.
Best Sequel:
Considering that all the big blockbusters are now sequels it should at least get an award.
Movie that deserves a remake:
This is pretty self-explanatory. It's a movie that has many good factors, but for some reason doesn't come together. Sometimes it's budget, actors, director, or editing, but it should be remade.
I will release nominees for each category, the next day I will post the winner.
Missed the Cut
Best Ensemble Cast:
It's already an award for SAG or BAFTA's.
Best Non-War Documentary:
A bit too jokey, but there are too many war docs nominated every year.