#7 Dallas Buyers Club
/This is the year of Matthew McConaughey. He was fantastic in Mud, Dallas Buyers Club, The Wolf of Wall Street, and now is the star of HBO's True Detective. This is the sole movie where he is the absolute main character.
Look McConaughey lost a bunch of weight. That doesn't make it a great performance. But it was.
This is your classic story of the straight white male coming to save a minority community. Well, that's what it is, but it didn't strike me that way immediately. Ron Woodruff wasn't going out to save to the gay community and the Aids issue because he thought he had a moral high ground. Woodruff did it because he needed to solve his own problem and he could make some profit of the misery of others.
Now, Dallas Buyers Club doesn't explain the reasons completely. Woodruff starts a Buyers Club when after visiting a doctor in Mexico he realizes that he "could make a fortune" selling the drugs in the states. Since selling the drugs in the United States would be illegal he sells memberships to a club that give the drugs away for free.
I actually love the movie. I think it's very well acted, I think Woodruff is a sympathetic character, I think that it was extremely emotional, and was a wonderful film making achievement. Jared Leto's performance was good, but was extremely overacted and borderline offensive. The set design was fantastic, the minor characters all shined, and McConaughey was so charismatic it trumps all issues with movie.
Ron Woodruff has some minor changes, but the changes are not light and day. Most of issues come from people messing with his business. It's a great movie that displays what a great, great actor Matthe McConaughey is. He should never do a romantic comedy again and keep selecting interesting roles.
Dallas Buyers Club is in theaters for a short while longer. Go see it.