Taylor Swift - 1989

I'm not going to lie. I was dreading this one. Taylor Swift is one of two "singers" I won't allow to be played on the radio, I actually turn it to static in the car before listening to her. It also fell on a Sunday, and I am not a fan of Sundays in general, because Monday is always looming. To further my awesome set-up for this album, I decided to listen to it while putting together something I bought from IKEA. I didn't really think this one through. So I went to Spotify to start the album, and lo and behold, her music isn't on Spotify (never knew this because, of course, I never searched for her before). Not cool, Taylor. I had to get a list of the songs on the album, and look each one up on YouTube, or Vimeo, or Google, or wherever else I could find them. This only prolonged the torture. That being said, I was actually relieved it was this album, and not one of her others, because the two songs that have recently been playing on the radio aren't as bad as songs like "We are never, ever, ever, getting back together" or whatever that is titled. I must give it to her, she is rich, and she makes songs that are catchy, and poppy (apparently that is a word in my music reviews), and loved by the masses of tweens. I would probably give more credit to whomever is writing these songs for her and putting everything together, but they know what they are doing. I will say, though, that there were a couple songs I couldn't find anywhere of her singing, so I listened to people's cover songs that they posted instead, and those were probably the couple songs I "enjoyed" the most, enjoyed being a very loose term.