Neil Finn - Try Whistling This

Label: Parlophone
Genre: Alternative Rock
Year: 1998
Recommended by: Chrissy Walker

I first listened to Neil Finn when Chrissy made me a mix CD, those were a thing and this was probably at the tail end of the phenomenon, where she included "Dream Date". The issue with the new streaming services is that they really impede sharing in a way that feels personal.

This might be an old man moment, but there is something about making something for a person and handing them the disc and tell them to listen to it. Now you can send a youtube video, share a playlist, or some other version of an e-mail. It isn't quite the same, but times change and the younger generation probably feels it is personal. The generation or two before mine would say that burning a cd didn't take much time, because they would have to shuffle through all the tapes and listen to the whole song while it was recording onto a mixtape. So, I am just an old man saying that kids have it too easy these days.

Try Whistling This is a pretty fantastic album. I believe it is the fourth artist from New Zealand I have listened to, so that's big news for them. Especially since this album cover won the New Zealand Album cover of the year in 1998, it was drawn by his boy Elroy. (Jane is not his wife.)

Neil Finn is a pretty fantastic musician who plays about 12 different instruments on the album. He also does it in a way that doesn't make you hate him, take lessons Sting. However, this album may need a lute. 

The lesson hear, keep making cd's for people. And get off my lawn.


George Ezra - Wanted on Voyage

Label: Columbia
Genre: Folk, Blues
Year: 2014
Recommended by: Todd Tompkins

The bluesy folk rock singer who is inspired by his childhood hero Paddington Bear has a very good debut album. "Wanted on Voyage" is a sticker on the suitcase that Paddington Bear was always lugging around. I'm unfamiliar with Paddington Bear, but I feel as a teddy bear he didn't need a lot of extra items. Maybe he sweats a lot and needs several identical outfits to change over the course of a day. Still it's just an overcoat and a hat. I guess it's more exercise.

The record is good. It should be a bit more popular here in the States, but it'll just continue the tradition of a British band getting a cult following in America.

Cat Stevens - Tea for the Tillerman

Label: A&M
Genre: Folk Rock
Year: 1970
Recommended by: Rose Sherry

This is one album my mom would play growing up quite often. It's a fantastic work that wasn't really critically acclaimed at the time of it's release. "Father and Son" is one of my favorite songs of all-time and there are still five other great songs on the record. 

I think the strongest thing about the record is that ten different people could listen to it and strongly disagree on which song is the best on the album. It's a great feat.


Elliott Smith - Elliott Smith

Label: Kill Rock Stars
Genre: Indie Folk
Year: 1995
Recommended by: Pat S.

This is a good album for a rainy day. Well a rainy day that you would like to mope around the house and cuddle into some blankets.

I first listened to this in High School when everything is heartbreaking, and nothing is surmontable(sic).  His limited production makes the album feel more intimate while his song writing escape the feeling of a cheap and whiny teenage angst.

If you are interested in mysteries, you should read up on his death, as this record label proves ominous. 

Murder City Devils - Empty Bottles, Broken Hearts

Label: Sub Pop
Genre: Punk Rock
Year: 1998
Recommended by: Paul Conant

This is punk rock. This is Punk rock from the Pacific Northwest. This is Punk Rock that is in a Post-Nirvana world.

It is very good and after listening I was surprised that the record was released so late. It is a bit behind it's calling of a punk rock heyday and would have been more popular if they were just ten years earlier. However, I'm sure big fans of the band would rather they stayed as niche as possible. "Dancin' Shoes" is a great song.

Brandon Flowers - Flamingo

Label: Island
Genre: Pop Rock
Year: 2010
Recommended by: Melissa Jarotkiewicz

Do you like the Killers? You will like this album.

Do you dislike the Killers? You would dislike this album.

This solo debut from Brandon Flowers shows is creative dominance over his band. While toned down a bit in sound, the sound is very similar and quite catchy. I feel like it wouldn't be as enjoyable in a huge stadium show, but would translate better to a smaller intimate setting. The songwriting is strong and the rhythms are catchy. I'm not sure it will stick in my head for long periods of time though.

Russian Circles - Geneva

Label: Suicide Squeeze, Sargent House
Genre: Post-Rock
Year: 2009
Recommended by: Ryan Sullivan

This is a Chicago band who are very talented musicians. I do not have the proper education to decided whether I should be impressed and where the more difficult parts are.

That's a big issue with a lot of these instrumental bands. There are stories in their somewhere, but I always seem to get lost in the middle somewhere. It muddles it up, I get lost, and don't know where I am now.

It wasn't a difficult listen, just a bit frustrating.

Bruce Springsteen - Darkness on the Edge of Twon

Label: Columbia
Genre: Rock 'n Roll
Year: 1978
Recommended by: Jeff Sherry

This is Bruce Springsteen. This is good Bruce Springsteen. There are still times when he goes a little extra "The Boss", but it features great songwriting and the production doesn't overwhelm the rest of the album.

His biggest album, "Born in the USA", is just this problem. That and he basically stopped being a singer-songwriter and became a heartland rocker. The best version of John Mellencamp. Still not a compliment.

Smashing Pumpkins - Siamese Dream

Label: Virgin
Genre: Alternative Rock
Year: 1993
Recommended by: Ryne Heinrich

The Smashing Pumpkins for a long while have been the rock band of Chicago. It's kind of annoying. Not because I believe they release sub-par music, but mostly because I think their success has led to too much Billy Corgan in my life.

He is a very good song writer, singer, and musician, but not a very entertaining personality. Even with that, "Today" is one of the greatest songs of the 90's. The fact that this album also contains a song that rocks as hard as "Cherub Rock" shows the great variety and range that Billy Corgan features. 

That just means he gets interviewed more though.


Matching Mole - March

Label: Cuneiform
Genre: Progressive Rock
Year: 2002
Recommended by: Sarah Sherry

This is a continuing tradition of Sarah's album with the name of the month in the title. For March she found a live album from a Progressive Rock band Matching Mole. They only had 2 real LP releases and a few live albums much later in their career. 

The strongest thing about the album is the awesome cover. And some pretty great song titles. Like with a lot of Prog rock, each song just goes on a little bit too long.

Keith Urban - Be Here

Label: Capitol Nashville
Genre: Country
Year: 2004
Recommended by: Megan Keith

Keith Urban was one of the biggest country acts in the world in the mid-2000's and has parlayed that into a judge spot on AMERICAN IDOL!!!!!

It is pretty strongly implied by previous reviews that genre of country just is not for me. Keith Urban's entry into the project hasn't really changed that fact at all. However, it was not a chore to go through this album. It is pop focused with country leanings. It seems it was right before the time that country went to a straight pop sound, so the New Zealand man kept a separate sound.

I'm actually surprised that I was unfamiliar with every song on the album, considering it was a huge hit, but the songwriting is a bit stronger than the other country album's I have listened to so far, and for that I must respect it.


T-Rex - The Slider

Label: Reprise
Genre: Glam Rock
Year: 1972
Recommended by: Ralph Brendler

Glam Rock either ages really well, or spoils quickly on a modern listen. T-Rex's "The Slider" ages very, very well. It very reminiscent of the current folk rock revival and I imagine it's because both are reaching back to the original origins of 50's rock for it's rhythms.

Metal Guru is probably my favorite track on the album and it sets the tone for the rest of the record in an incredible way. It was also the first single which while it had modest popularity in the states only had a real impact in the UK. 

It was enjoyable listen from beginning to end.

Green Day - Dookie

Label: Reprise
Genre: Pop Punk
Year: 1994
Recommended by: Kirsten Turnquist

"Dookie" was an early influence on my musical taste. It was one of my favorite early albums and led me to purchasing one of my first CD's, "Insomniac". That record is when I was impersonating a big music fan. The record came with a fold out poster that I pinned to my wall and would read and re-read the lyrics to every song.

However, Green Day's best album is between this and a "American Idiot". I would say that this album will be most remembered while "Idiot" is the stronger overall album. Still a fun listen and you can sing along easily to every song. 

Fugazi - 13 Songs

Label:  Dischord
Genre: Post-Hardcore
Year: 1989
Recommended by: Alura Henry

This Fugazi album is on the fringes of actually qualifying. I'm trying to avoid greatest hits albums, and this is just a combination of Fugazi's first two EPs. That said it is one of the prime examples of a post-hardcore record.

It was huge at the end of the 80's entering the 90s. It is a wonderful work that still sounds fresh. It may be the best aged album in all of the 1980s.

Finger on the Trigger - Volume 2

Label: Self-Released
Year: 2014
Genre: Irish Awesome
Recommended by: The Mandolin Player

Finger on the Trigger is the best Irish Awesome band I have ever heard. Then again, when you create the genre there is little to match you.

Truth be told, The Mandolin Player, or the Mandolinist, is not a hero erased from the Watchmen, it is fellow curler Adam Miller.

You can catch them live this St. Patrick's weekend at:
March 13, 2015: Mrs. Murphy & Sons Irish Bistro 9pm-12am
March 14, 2015: JP Burke's Patio & Tap 8pm-12am
March 17, 2015: JP Burke's Patio & Tap 7-10pm

The music is not just Irish bar songs or sea shanties, even though they are songs to be enjoyed in bars and on boats, they are songs that illustrate the Irish heavy heart and boisterous nature. The way any man falls in love with a woman, the right or the wrong one, with hopes dashed, or the way you drink them away because you may find the next one to dash them. The Second Volume of Finger on the Trigger is a great listen, and you should see them this week!

Miles Davis - Kind Of Blue

Label: Columbia
Year: 1959
Genre: Blues
Recommended by: Abe Martinez and Jeff Sherry

I've never been one for Blues. It just seems like easy listening music. Kind of Blue is often pointed to for Blues genius. It is far superior to most of the genre that I have heard, limited that it may be. I enjoy attending a Blues bar, but I feel like a connection is missing when listening to it in your headphones.

"Kind of Blue" is a must listen for any person, although I wouldn't say be prepared for your life to be changed. 

Florence + the Machine - Ceremonials

Label: Island
Year: 2011
Genre: Baroque Pop
Recommended By: Chrissy Walker

As you can tell by the album cover no one loves Florence as much as Florence. That said she is fantastic!

However, I think that Isabella Summers is the more impressive part of the duo. While Florence Welch has an incredible voice I think the beats that carry the lyrics are the reason for the strong popularity of the band. It makes them an individual sound and keeps them from sounding like Adele.

Baroque Pop, a thing you didn't know you wanted!

You've heard all the singles, they are great. The album tracks are great. It's great. Deal with it.


Rodrigo y Gabriela - 11:11

Label: Rubyworks
Genre: Flamenco Rumba
Year: 2009
Recommended By: Kailey and Scott Meyer

Suprisingly this is my first Flamenco Rumba album of the year! Rodrigo y Gabriela are an amazing band that dominate your eardrums with fantastic guitar playing.

It brought me back to Spain and had me wanting to go back quickly. The Mexico City born dual guitarists lean heavily on their Flamenco roots but bring the ferocity of metal elements to really make the listen fantastic and increasingly interesting.

This could be listened to at any time, but is a perfect pick me up at the end of a long day.