Neil Finn - Try Whistling This

Label: Parlophone
Genre: Alternative Rock
Year: 1998
Recommended by: Chrissy Walker

I first listened to Neil Finn when Chrissy made me a mix CD, those were a thing and this was probably at the tail end of the phenomenon, where she included "Dream Date". The issue with the new streaming services is that they really impede sharing in a way that feels personal.

This might be an old man moment, but there is something about making something for a person and handing them the disc and tell them to listen to it. Now you can send a youtube video, share a playlist, or some other version of an e-mail. It isn't quite the same, but times change and the younger generation probably feels it is personal. The generation or two before mine would say that burning a cd didn't take much time, because they would have to shuffle through all the tapes and listen to the whole song while it was recording onto a mixtape. So, I am just an old man saying that kids have it too easy these days.

Try Whistling This is a pretty fantastic album. I believe it is the fourth artist from New Zealand I have listened to, so that's big news for them. Especially since this album cover won the New Zealand Album cover of the year in 1998, it was drawn by his boy Elroy. (Jane is not his wife.)

Neil Finn is a pretty fantastic musician who plays about 12 different instruments on the album. He also does it in a way that doesn't make you hate him, take lessons Sting. However, this album may need a lute. 

The lesson hear, keep making cd's for people. And get off my lawn.