Ariana Grande - My Everything

Label: Republic
Genre: Pop
Year: 2014
Recommended by: Chris Heck

This is bubblegum pop. This is where pop is today. The EDM beats and a joyful woman singing on top of it. If you want it to hit a little harder you ask a popular rapper to come and drop a strong verse to make it sound much better.

There are a few songs that are enjoyable. The rest is a very sugary snack that feels like a Halloween's binge fest at the end of the record. However, I some how love the song "Bang Bang", its probably just the simple yet perfect chorus. 

Weezer - Everything Will Be Alright in the End

Label: Republic
Year: 2014
Genre: Alt Rock
Recommending Person: Greg Fischer

Adios rock band that we loved the most
This is a toast to what you did
And all that you were fighting for
Who could do more when time marches on?
Words come and go
We will sing the melodies that you did long ago
— Eulogy for a Rock Band, Weezer

This is vintage Weezer. The song "Eulogy for a Rock Band" is the perfect meta Weezer song. It sounds like Weezer at their peak.  

The whole record is fantastic and is a must listen for any one who has enjoyed Weezer in the past. There are singles that I'm surprised none of them have charted, but there is no EDM remix.