Craving - February

Label: ??? (Self-Released)
Year: 2006
Genre: Indie Rock
Recommending Person: Sarah "Effing" Sherry

The first band I have not found any sort of information on. They are not the German metal band currently traveling all across Europe. They are the a Band that seems to only have one album and can easily be found in iTunes or Google Play but is impossible to find anything on the internet with a ten minute google search.

This reminds me, I went to high school during the peak of downloading all the music with out paying a single cent from it. It was before iTunes made it easy to buy music, and before anyone in the music industry really understood that people are willing to pay they just need to be able to get the music easily. Anyways, there was an emo band called Finding Westerly with a song I believe to be called "The Ballad of Brodie and Renee", I can't be sure because titles and bands were often incorrect. The most famous example of that Country version of Gin & Juice was attributed to about 6-10 different bands. All I am now convinced are incorrect.

The songs are melodic, the musicianship is solid, the general catchiness is palpable, but it doesn't quite grab and pull me all the way in. "Marie Laveau" is a solid song that I could see many bands covering successfully.



Modest Mouse - The Lonesome Crowded West

Label: Up
Year: 1997
Genre: Indie Rock, Experimental Rock
Recommending Person: Ryan Sullivan

I like Modest Mouse. I understand others are not the biggest fans of them. The lead singer has an affected voice that sounds like a whinier Violent Femmes lead singer, that's hard to do.

This album is an example of why people dislike the band. There is no great melody throughout the album, it's a disjointed way to get his thoughts out into the world. The lyrics themselves are pretty enjoyable, if a bit angsty, but the mechanism to get them to your ears are a bit disappointing. I like their debut album and later albums much more than this individual album. The record reads better as a poetry book than as a piece of music. I will perform it at a poetry slam.

The Wrens - Meadowlands

Label: Absolutely Kosher
Year: 2003
Genre: Indie Rock
Recommending Person: Chrissy Walker

The Wrens are another in a long list of bands where I just agreed that they were a good band and sort of moved on without a second thought.

I The previous notion I had of The Wrens was that they were is a slow paced harmonic Indie Bands that were plentiful in the 2000s. I was very pleasantly surprised that The Wrens fucking ROCK.

They do have the ability to create layered melodic beautiful songs, but they are out and out a Rock Band. The intensity of every song is evident from the first second onward. The entire album is induces a constant head bop. 

The only issue is that the Wrens will never get big. They lack a big hook that leads to heavy radio play and people really getting behind a band. The closest to a big single they have on The Meadowlands is easily "Hopeless" and that is still a bit clustered in the repetitive nature of big pop songs on terrestrial radio. That doesn't matter, because The Wrens are great, I hope they only become big because people love The Wrens, not a great chorus.

Tegan and Sara - If It Was You

Label: Vapor
Year: 2002
Genre: Indie Rock
Recommending Person: Dan Clark

I've had a crush on Tegan and Sara for a long time. Unfortunately, my crush is ill fated as they are not interested in my gender, but still.

This album has them still finding their sound that I love. There are hints of it in "Want to Be Bad" and "Time Running", but they are stripped down a little too much.

I also may be a little hard on it, since my favorite song of their's is actually Tiesto's "Feel It In My Bones". Also this gives me a place to share Blogotheque's Concerts:

The Killers - Sam's Town

Label: Island - Vertigo
Year: 2006
Genre: Indie Rock
Recommending Person: The Jarock's! (Mark and Melissa Jarotkiewicz)

The Killers are family favorites of my sisters growing family. I went on a trip to Oregon with them from the State of Washington where it was very Killers heavy. 

Not to mention they also had a concert DVR'd that was played at least twice during my extended stay. That actually is not an issue at all. The Killers are a perfect pop rock group that families can easily play without worrying about offending any young ears that may be listening. 

I learned the most about Killers from retired Radio Personality Elektra on the now defunct Q101, she taught me of the roots of the Band in Las Vegas and the fact that one member was able to see a large Sam's Town sign through his window. The album's goal was to chronicle the big moments in front man Brandon Flowers's life, and now my Niece and Nephew can use the album Sam's Town as a big musical influence in their life!

Pele - Elephant

Label: Polyvinyl Records
Year: 1999
Genre: Indie Rock, Instrumental
Recommending Person: Ryan Sullivan

This was a Sunday hangover listen from Ryan Sullivan. This album was a little more difficult for me than the the Prog Rock outfit I started the year with. I imagine it is mostly because the first track is too repetitive to start before the variance really kicks in. Eventually I enjoyed a few tracks, especially Little Hunts.

Death Cab for Cutie - Plans

Year: 2005
Genre: Indie Rock
Label: Atlantic
Recommending Person: Karen Miles

Death Cab for Cutie came into my life at the perfect time. Transatlanticism was pretty big when I was in High School 2003. The Sound of Settling is one of my favorite songs of all-time. However, this is their more successful and in my opinion best album they ever released.

When I started this project I asked for recommendations from anyone and everyone. I wanted as an eclectic mix as possible for the entire year, to get out of the same routine of music I would constantly play on repeat, and to expand my horizons. However, I also wanted people I cared about to help me with the project as well. People helping me by giving me a personal, thoughtful endorsement will help me share something that is important to them. Karen (Wayne) Miles was the person who believed I should listen to this. I have to say initially I was a little bummed out.

Why? Karen and I were decently close in High School, She was there for me probably more than I ever was for her, and that always made me disappointed. We probably got a little more separated through Senior year, and then we both went to separate colleges. I visited a few times, but every time I saw her we both were different people. One time I remember seeing her in the day time, inebriated, it was probably during unofficial, and I ran up and gave her a big hug lifting her up. It was awkward, very awkward. I never really interacted with her that way in high school, we hadn't talked in a good while, she probably didn't even know I was in town, but it kind of just put the period at the end of our relationship. No one was at fault for the eventually lapsing of friendship, we were people who moved on and didn't try to stay in each others lives. I still care for Karen, she seems happy, and successful, and slightly warmer in North Carolina over Illinois. This suggestion just reminded me that I let a good friend go before I would have liked.

Yet, it was a great decision by Karen. She thought about it for a long time and it shows. The entire album is fantastic and it was beautiful. The album made me think of Karen and that made it perfect.

The Gaslight Anthem - The '59 Sound

Label: SideOneDummy
Year: 2008
Genre: Indie Folk, Punk Rock, Indie Rock, Heartland Rock
Recommending Person: Chris Neseman

Let's just sit and examine how many genre's Wikipedia claims this album to be in. Couldn't we just stop at Rock and Roll? That's pretty much all that this album is, and that is not demeaning in anyway. I've had a good run of albums starting with Danger Mouse, to Parliament, and now The Gaslight Anthem. The '59 Sound reminded me of Social Distortion with a more conventional singer. I love Social Distortion, so I loved this album. Gaslight Anthem was always that band that people said they liked and I just agreed without having listened to any of their music. I'm glad I finally did, it was enjoyable all the way through.