All-American Rejects - Move Along

Label: DGC
Genre: Pop Punk
Year: 2005
Recommended by: Lauren Weidner and Chrissy Walker

Move Along, The All-American Rejects's second album, is a pretty fantastic pop rock record. 

It's not one of the greatest rock records and it's not one of the greatest pop records. Move Along is pretty accurate to it's time while still aging well. It's probably behind Bleed American in the best Pop Punk Album in my mind. It's a good listen. The only thing that hurts it from a "Pop Punk" sense, is that Tyson Ritter is just a little too good at singing.


Weezer - Pinkerton

Label: DGC
Genre: Emo
Year: 1996
Recommended by: Abe Martinez

Wikipedia has constructed the most Weezer sentence in history. Let me cite it here, "After abandoning plans for a rock opera titled Songs from the Black Hole, Weezer recorded Pinkerton between songwriter Rivers Cuomo's terms at Harvard University, where he wrote much of the album." 

I always go back and forth between Pinkerton and The Blue Album as my favorite Weezer record. I think the Blue Album is a better introduction into Weezer, but Pinkerton has the stronger songs overall. 

I'm unsure how people can hate Weezer when they released two amazing albums right off the bat. In March I reviewed their latest offering and it is also awesome. Love Weezer, it's okay to admit it.