Patrick Sweany - Every Hour is a Dollar Gone

Label: Nine Mile Records
Genre: Southern Rock
Year: 2007
Recommended by: Todd Tompkins

Patrick Sweany's 2007 release sounds like it was released in the 70s. It is an out and out tribute to the glory days of southern rock. This was right after the success of the Kings of Leon. It was before the lead singer of Kings of Leon went crazy. While Kings of Leon was a mash-up of southern rock and the White Stripes, Patrick Sweany is more blues influenced with the riffs that always come in pairs. 

The guitar playing in the album is unabashedly the star it overshadows the rock stylings of Sweany's voice and the basic rhythm of the percussion. The song writing is only decent, but that is not the star of the album and great song writing would likely get lost in the Bluesy guitar and short scratchy bursts of the Sweany's Thorogood impression.  The record has a unique sound, even if the quality seems to be purposefully reduced, the music is fun and great for driving.

Dethklok - The Dethalbum

Label: Williams Street
Year: 2007
Genre: Death Metal
Recommended by: Ryan Sullivan 

his "band" was created by Brandon Small for the Adult Swim cartoon Metalocalypse. The album is entertaining, if not a too strong for my taste. I don't listen to enough metal to catch which lyrics are satirical and which are just over the top to be funny.

It's enjoyable, but not as much fun as playing Thunderhorse on Guitar Hero.