Trip Shakespeare - Lulu
/Label: A&M
Year: 1991
Genre: Rock
Recommending Person: Melissa, AKA My Sister
This 90s album, that wishes so much to be a band that played at Woodstock or open for the Grateful Dead, shows how many times that current bands take from their inspiration a little too closely to heart.
Unfortunately, Lulu never really caught on as a big seller during the 90s. It came out when Grunge was turning the business on it's head. It was way to poppy, happy, and melodic to succeed in a time when the biggest band in the world had a singer that no one could totally understand. Nirvana's Nevermind just changed the decade and Lulu would never become popular.
The record industry, through no work of their own, now has enough niches that Lulu would easily become a hit today and would be one of the top albums of the year. However, in 1991 you had to be over the top pop or grunge. Lulu was neither and failed because of it.
Every song seems familiar, as if it was in every movie from the early 90s, but has it's own spin. The biggest issue I have about the record is that for no reason what so ever the final track is two and a half minutes of crickets chirping. Now they title it correctly, but I really was waiting for something else. I guess they win.